Monday 13 August 2012

The Help

Sorry I havn't posted a blog recently been so busy. Today has been a very slow and painful day due to my large concumption of alcohol last night nonetheless I decided I wanted to write a film review in my blog and I started to watch Tate Taylor's The Help. It was orignally a novel by Kathryn Stockett in 2009 but adapted into a motion picture in 2011. The film is an American drama with comedy interlinked. What I look for in a film is not just the comedy aspect or getting cheap thrills for the horror films but learning about history, whether it be something from Saving Private Ryan or Blood diamand, where you can get an insight into the way life was for people in different countries and in different circumstances. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the comedy and the cheap thrills but films such as The Help I think help inspire people. The film is set in Jackson Mississippi in the early 60s when the seperation between races was at its peak (Civil Rights era). Skeeter (Emma Stone) a young, white budding journalist such as myself begins writing a book from the black maids point of view (also referred too as "The Help"). Such book reveals the harsh racism they faced on a daily basis and other stories revolving the lives they had to give up as a result of poverty and subordination. But the making of this book must be kept under wraps as the maids could face unthinkable punishment as would Skeeter.  I won't tell you too much about the film as I wouldn't want to spoil it for you but I promise you its worth a watch and its a definite tear jerker! Emma Stone (Crazy Stupid Love, Spider-man, Superbad) is seen predominantly in light hearted films and so when it came to acting in a film that was based around such a difficult and touchy subject i bet she was nervous! I adore Emma Stone and her work but even I had doubts as to whether or not she could pull this off. But to my surprise I think she did a fantastic job and the film won countless awards and was praised by the film critics. So next time your stuck on what to watch on an evening try "The Help" you wont be disappointed. Helped my hangover after all :) xox

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