Friday 27 July 2012

Feeling hungover but not hungover

After spending a week in the party island that is Ibiza, where instead of water I drank vodka and tequila and instead of sleeping I was dancing till the early hours of the morning which is to be expected of a girls holiday. There were arguments, there were loss of toe nails (me to be precise) and people's dignity shot out the window. Which is all well and good when you're out there but coming home and back to the normality was so strange. I wasnt going to sleep drunk and waking up hungover, there wasn't a linguring smell of sick from my fellow partier in the room. Everything was so...normal. And now I find myself unable to consume alcohol without feeling ill and I find myself knackered even though I havn't done anything strenuous. This is in fact the recovery stage which I always used to get from doing Leeds festival for two years, so you'd think I'd be used to it but obviously this is not the case. I had decided that this summer I would try something new, something different so I bought a ticket for creamfields. Three days of mayhem in a place I've never been before, a step up from leeds fest in my eyes. I'll be writing a blog all about my festival experiances and what are the dos and don'ts and giving you an insight into my holiday in Ibiza.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Hello (:

Probably should of done this before I started my first post but oh well, better late than never.
If you havn't realised my name is Ellie I live in North Yorkshire, to be more precise I live near Harrogate and to be even more precises I live in the sticks known as the Yorkshire Dales. I'm still undecided about whether I like living in the middle of no where or if i'd prefer to live in a city. I've finished my last year at High School and hopefully moving on to University to study magazine journalism so maybe then I'll be able decide. I started this blog to get more experiance of writing which alot of budding journalists are doing nowadays, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon. I wanted to write about fashion and beauty but decided not to narrow myself and instead, write about generally anything that interests me. As you can see i'm already good at babbling on about pointless things so I have a inkling these posts will be quite long..
Fashion can bring Elegance, Individualism and Confidence. Trends express no personality or imagination in my eyes.

Live Laugh Love.

Unmistakably corny title yes but I think round this time of year, people my age (18 years,) forget to do this as the stress of exam results and university offers dawns on all of our minds. Although some take their minds of it with a group holiday to party places and others spend the weekends at festivals, still in the back of their minds the same thoughts still churn. It's easier said than done to "not think about it" as many parents would say or "there is nothing more you can do" which has to be my parent's favourite line. This blog is not going to offer you advice with how to deal with this stress as everyone deals with things differently, but what I will say is this. Everyone is in the same boat, everyone needs specific grades to get into their first choice university so don't think you're alone on that one. Summer 2012 is your summer so don't spend it fretting, get on with things, do what makes you happy because this will be the summer to remember for the rest of your life. This summer will be the end of your high school days and the beginning of the rest of your life. And whatever happens on Auguast 16th, things will have a way of working themselves out. Until then, Live this summer to the full. Laugh until your stomach hurts and Love the people who make this time unforgettable.
Comment and let me know what your plans are and what you've been up too this summer!!